RSPL Solar SLS Systems have been reiterated in design for the past three decades. With over 200000+ SLS Installed Across the length and breadth of the country, RSPL SSLs are truly versatile in design and deployment.
Having a wide range of products from Traditional Village SLS to Modern GSM/GPRS equipped SLS, at RSPL we can cover the entire spectrum of Street Lights. We are probably one of the few companies whose Street Lights are approved for all major Government Tenders by reputed agencies like NISE, Intertek. UL, TUV, BTH etc
Huge reduction in burgeoning electricity bills: The street Light shall also save money during peak hours when the electricity is charged at a higher rate
Safety: Increased safety for people by lighting up unlit areas
Eco – Friendly
One of the Highest experience in India: Lakhs of Solar SLS supplied across the length and breadth of the country
Eco –Friendly and Plug and play system : System can be easily enhanced with minimal charges
Great Power Backup :All our SLS have excellent backup of 14 hours with due autonomy and option of Lead Acid or LiFePO4 Battery Packs
5 years Warranty: 5 Years Warranty on the system ensure that the light never runs out of power
Extensive Dealer Network: All our dealers are 3S ie Service, Sales and spares. We serve you through our many dealers and counting
Remote Monitoring: Optional remote monitoring facility with option of GSM/GPRS based monitoring. Proprietory RSPLMO* software