RSPL Solar Lanterns have been reiterated in design for the past three decades. They are indisputably the most robust solar lanterns in the market with performance metrics of more than a decade in some cases.
Extends the Working day in rural areas, by Installing Solar Lights in villages allows businesses to operate during the evening.
Improves Health Issues: Fumes from Kerosene lamps in poorly ventilated houses are a serious health problem in much of the world where electric light is unavailable
Improves Fire-Reduction: Kerosene lamps are a serious fire hazard in the developing world. Killing and maiming tens of thousands of people each year. Solar electric light comes as the safest measure for all.
Improves Literacy rate: Solar light improves literacy. Because people can read after dark more easily than can by candle or lamp light.
Save Energy,Reduces Maintenance: Use of a solar light rather than Kerosene lamps reduces the time and expense of refueling and